Saturday was a great day for the milestone of turning my 580 upright. I spent a bit of time prior to hoisting the boat in the air, cutting some angle iron and attaching some lifting lugs. I had 2 lifting points on each side of the hull. I utilized some smaller angle iron for the sides and the top of the lifting jig. The plan was to have a chainfall hoist attached to the slings on one side of the boat while the other side is held solid with 2 other slings of the same length. Once the boat is hoisted off of the strongback I simply started to let the one side of the boat down until all of the weight was on the other 2 slings. I then proceeded to reattach the chainfall on the top side of the boat ( same slings ) and lift the slack side of the boat until it was level and ready to lower onto the trailer.
It was probably way overkill on the rigging as I could have used the same number of guys and girls to physically lift and maneuver the hull on its side and roll it on to something soft and deadlift it on to the trailer ...... However, I like what I did here to mitigate any chance of damaging the hull, fiberglass, fairing filler and of course egos. I really didnt want to loose control of the boat and have a spectacle in my yard for everyone to see !! Furthermore, there were no trips to the Chiropractor when it was all done ....
It all worked out well and you can see the video here:
I will post some pictures of the boat back in the garage on the trailer asap.