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Stem, knee and strongback. Wahoo !

Writer's picture: captdancaptdan

The knee and stem are constructed from pine based on drawing dimensions from Janusz.

There is also the deck beams that fit into the stem ( hopefully I dont lose them ! )

I set up these components to confirm that my measurements were correct. The knee is screwed in position on the stem but I couldn't hold everything together and get a good photo LOL.

If you have the plans, you know where that goes.

I double checked my fitup with the CAD layout that B & B Yachts gave us for the stem details. Everything seems to be matching up well.

Onward ... !

Meanwhile in Boathouse number 2 .....

Just kidding, its the same garage. My wife isn't to happy with me for taking up the whole garage with my sailboat but she is optimistic that she might be able to park her SUV in here when winter comes.

So we have the start of the strongback shown here. This will be the framework for which the 8 Frames and the stem getting fitted. This is an important stage because it is here where the critical dimensions of the boat are determined. Aside from the overall length and waterline ( which are super important ) , this strongback will set the measurements and locations of the companionway bulkhead, forward crashbox and the keel supporting members to name a few.

I set my laser level to the vertical height of the waterline distance from the top of my strongback ( my level projects both horizontal and vertical lines )

I will be able to use the vertical line to match up the centerline ( which I drew on the forwardside of all of my Frames ) on each Frame.

The level is mounted at the forward end of the boat. I will start setting my Frames starting with the most aft Frame - Frame P . The laser line will disappear if I start from the forward end of the boat as those Frame will shadow the rest. Obviously, a person could mount the level on the aft end on start from the front .....



Jul 06, 2020

Pine or Larch is specified in the drawings. White Oak is far more superior but way overkill and too heavy. The whole interior will be coated with epoxy to seal it all up. So rot won't be an issue in a perfect world. Cheers


Jul 06, 2020

I'm curious as to why pine is the build material of choice. Comments?

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