I finally glued and screwed down the deck this past weekend ! The best part about this, is that the fillets are done in way of the Frames and the underside of the deck is coated with epoxy primer and 3 coats of an off white polyurethane top coat. 30 minutes of touch up to do inside and that part is done.
The observation pod will be coated in the same manner as the rest of the interior prior to final install. This plan is to round over all of the sharp edges on the pod to make an attempt at removing the boxy appearance. I feel that might something I will have to live with.
In the future, I was thinking about a fabric dodger of some sort .... so that might be a way to add some creature comforts to the cockpit and give it a more sleek look.
Onwards ...... !
Trim up some of the edges of the plywood is the next step. Fiberglass tape and more epoxy is in my near future! Wahoo !
I will likely be dry fitting all of my stainless steel deck fittings ( handrails, stantions, bow pulpit etc ) before I get deep into fiberglassjng and finishing the deck. I am too afraid of messing up a nice finish! This might work well for me because I can tack weld all of my base plates to the fittings to conform to the deck profile and not be worried about burning any fresh top coating .... time will tell ..... :)
Well, that's it for now .... Happy St. Patrick's Day! I know its a couple of days early but......
Cheers !